Sunday, October 30, 2011


She won fans all over the world when she stepped out in her form-fitting Alexander McQueen's bridesmaid's dress for the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding back in April.

And now Justin Timberlake he was one of the people who was blown away by Pippa Middleton's appearance at the royal wedding.

In a new interview with Esquire magazine, Justin has revealed he is harbouring a crush on the pretty brunette.

He said: 'Us American males are big fans of Pippa. We like the Middletons very much. I’m going to sound like a sleazeball. I’m going to stop right there! '

Justin also spoke about his acting dreams, after having starred in movies including Bad Teacher and Friends With Benefits, and he never realised he could be taken seriously in the industry.

He said: 'People have made me feel I’m trying to be a serious actor, which is hilarious. I’m not trying to be a serious actor. I just want to do a good job.

'I feel there was a lot of ‘is this going to be good or not? ’ I could see how a persona of what you do musically becomes embedded in people’s minds. But I feel like all I ever did on stage was act, in a way. I don’t feel like that’s exactly who I am. I don’t wear waistcoats when I’m at home. '

But while Justin is establishing himself as an actor, with movies such as the upcoming In Time, he said he will always continue with his musical dreams.

He said: 'Music is a part of my blood cells, my cellular being, but I don’t put music out just to do it. '

And now he has turned 30, Justin added he has started to become very proud of what he has achieved throughout his life.

He added to the publication: 'There were times I was motivated but the fact I wanted to be the biggest music star in the world.

'Maybe it wasn’t a conscious thought, but it was an underlying theme. I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I needed to validate so much of who I was by what I did.

'After I turned 30 I started asking myself questions why.

'The only validation I crave now is to be inspired in the same way I’ve always been.

'That’s all I really owe myself at this point. If I stopped now, I could look at everything I’ve done and be so proud. '

Talking about what he plans to do in the near future, Justin said: 'I think you can work and work and work and never really live. The plan is to have no plan.

'I’ll probably travel, but I’d rather be spontaneous.

'I feel like I’ve earned at least a little bit of time to do that. '.

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